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Distance Learning Degrees

Online distance degree

Distance degrees originated in Great Britain with the Open University. At first, course materials and contacts with students took place by correspondence, with all the limitations of the postal system. Today, with the advent of computers and the Internet, distance degrees have developed in all advanced countries in basic, vocational, and continuing education.

Traditional teaching, in terms of logistical organization, requires the use of physical facilities and is based on direct contact between teacher and student, with both being physically present in a classroom. Online distance degrees presume that there is a physical distance between the two figures and the use of advanced communication systems in which the computer plays a vital role, through technologies available on the Internet such as e-mail, e-learning platforms, video conferencing, e-books, etc.

Our candidates already have considerable work and family responsibilities which means they cannot follow a traditional course, so it is critical that our students be able to do their project work and their final doctoral dissertation without upsetting their everyday jobs.


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Contact info

  • Selinus University Graduate School LLC
    8 The Green, Suite A
    Dover 19901 – Delaware

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