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  • Distance Learning University for Adults & Professionals
    Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.
    Degree Online via distance learning
  • Distance Learning University
    for Adults & Professionals
    Bachelor's, Master's, Ph.D.
    Degree Online via distance learning



online via distance learning


online via distance learning


online via distance learning


online via distance learning

Sign up and get a Bachelor, Master or Doctorate (PhD)


Selinus University is an International Graduate School registered in the State of Delaware (USA) and the Republic of Panama. Its distance learning programmes are distributed worldwide by the global licensing company: Uniselinus Europe Networking University srl. In Italy it operates as a foreign institution through Uniselinus Educational Group srl, which is duly authorised by the competent authorities according to D.P.R. No. 389 of 18 April 1994 published in the Gazzetta Ufficiale of 18 June 1994, No. 141, S.O.

Selinus University is an institution for adult learners, Entrepreneurs, Managers and Professionals. To enter the PhD (Doctor of Philosophy) by Research program, a Master's degree or equivalent degree is required. A Bachelor's degree or equivalent is required to access the Master's program.  A high school diploma or equivalent degree is required to enter a Bachelor's program.

Selinus University is not a government institution and does not issue state degrees. It is accredited by the WCI - World Certification Institute - the world's leading body for issuing credential awards in the global marketplace. The choice of WCI as  accreditation body is in line with the mission of Selinus University: a reliable accreditation agency whose vision and plasticity perfectly integrate and conform to the innovative and successful programs for managers, entrepreneurs, professionals, cultural workers.

Selinus University is also accredited to the QAHE (International Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education) and is also recognized by the California University FCE for awarding the US equivalent Dual Degree and Internationally and Certified ISO 9001-2015.

Unfortunately, most accreditation agencies  follow processes and requirements aimed at young students. These processes are not useful for senior students and are even in direct conflict with the mission of Selinus University. Indeed, the objective of Selinus University is to award professional degrees aimed at career enhancement and skills certification. At the same time, it offers a unique, dynamic, accessible and quality higher education to adult students who cannot follow traditional on-campus study programmes but need to focus on subjects that are useful for their professional and career development.

Selinus University degrees are perfectly legal and must be understood correctly, i.e. as a facilitator of professional employment or as an incentive for career advancement (towards middle/high-level positions) in national and multinational companies and organisations. Selinus international degrees must never be considered a substitute for a traditional degree, but rather a useful alternative, valid for many purposes but not for all.


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Contact info

  • Selinus University Graduate School LLC
    8 The Green, Suite A
    Dover 19901 – Delaware

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